Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Revealing THE LINK

The Un-Named Project Comes To Life…
Revealing THE LINK
Behind The Scenes Of The Best Kept Science Secret

We got the call about a potential “top-secret” project late on a Friday afternoon.

“Can’t tell you much, the book is embargoed until Tuesday, when there will be a huge press announcement with lots of people involved”, was all the description we got from the book’s publicist. We have handled many embargoed books in the past and really understand how to interest the stations in an interview with an author without revealing too many of the details- but this was something special. It was something big- really big- and we had no way of knowing exactly what it was or who it would really appeal to. So we got the booking team lined up and excited about the “un-named” project as best we could which was quite a challenge considering we could tell them nothing!

Then we spent the weekend guessing as to what could be the next big science announcement- a cure for cancer? That would be news…new advances in green energy… stem cells? All of our guesses involved thinking about the future- of new unheard of scientific advances, but we never spent a second thinking about the past. When the announcement came out Tuesday morning that an international team had discovered a 47 million year old fossil- a kind of link to our earliest ancestors, we knew we had a major story that none of us ever imagined.

We bombarded stations with the details of the scientific findings and set up live television and radio interviews in over 20 markets with one of the lead scientists who was involved in the discovery. Dr. Jorn Hurum, is a Norwegian paleontologist from the University of Oslo’s Natural History Museum - a wonderful interview who detailed not only the scientific significance of the project, but also shared some of the two-year history of this international “top-secret” project.

With so many people working on this all around the globe- is was amazing that this could stay so quiet for so long. It seems as if everyone involved was willing to keep the un-named project under wraps for as long as it took to make sure it was all handled in the best possible way. www.revealingthelink.com

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