Wednesday, July 15, 2009

GIRL FORCE: A Girl’s Guide to the Body and Soul

Author and former beauty editor combats negative images and messages for teen girls in her new book

GirlForce, published by Bloomsbury, is the newest book by author Nikki Goldstein, who has worked as a beauty editor and writer for over ten years at such magazines as Marie Clare, Vogue, Elle, InStyle and Cosmpolitan. She wanted to develop a way to counter the negative images and messages she often found in the media.

“I am passionate about boosting girls self-esteem because I can remember what it was like to be a voluptuous teenager and feel out of step with prevailing ideal of beauty. For me the best way to pass on my message – to learn to love yourself just the way you are – was to write my own books. Girls need to practice a daily affirmation like, “I love and accept myself just the way I am”, to remind themselves they are perfect and beautiful simply because they are unique. “ – author Nikki Goldstein

After a long illness and recovery, Nikki discovered the ancient Indian system known as Ayurveda (pronounced "eye-ur-vee-dah"), after a friend suggested looking at yoga and meditation. At first a skeptic, Nikki found that she was becoming and feeling stronger and her stress levels were down. Most of all, she was learning about her body and what it needed to feel great.

Nikki took the concept of Ayurveda and her experiences and wrote a book for adults called “Lifeforce.” While on an author tour, mothers and daughters asked her to create something similar for teenage girls. And so, GirlForce was born.

Nikki wants to share her powerful message to all teen girls, young women, moms and dads out there:

“What I am trying to get girls to understand is that underneath the skin we are all the same. We may come in different shapes and sizes, different skin colors, different racial or political beliefs but we are all the same inside. All girls struggle with how they look, how they fit in, whether they’re loveable and desirable. No one, no matter how beautiful they may look on the outside, is immune from these issues. GirlForce is about finding the spirit, love, magic within – your GirlForce.”

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